Since the situation turned worse, the Supreme Court stayed the conduct of offline exam. Following this, the Govt of Kerala filed a detailed affidavit stating the physical and technical problems of students all over the state and the resulting unjust evaluation process, with the Supreme Court to conduct the board exam of the first year Higher Secondary students offline.
The verdict was favorable to the govt and the state has been directed to strictly follow the Covid 19 protocols while conducting the offline exams. A holistic approach should be there from the authorities conducting the exam and the examiners to have a fair exam without any hurdles by adhering to Corona virus restrictions.
Download Kerala DHSE Plus one revised time table September 2021
The revised time table of the Higher Secondary First year board exam has been published. The Plus one students are advised to check the new revised time table. The exam, as per the revised schedule commences from 24th September and it will be over on 18th October. The revised plus one time table is provided here.Download PDF |